博客來,博客來網路書店:博客來書籍館>Investment Banking : In Greater China


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  Dr. Shieh has taught in both domestic and foreign universities (Cleveland State University and NCCU in Taiwan) respectively.

  He has published more than 30 papers on both domestic and international academic journals, international conferences and professional magazines, of which some of his papers were published by the Financial Review, Financial Management etc.

  Furthermore, Dr. Shieh not only is well recognized by academia, but he also possesses practical experiences.

  Other than being as one of the members that participated in Financial Restructuring Committee in the Ministry of Finance, he also participated in many governmental committee involved with Securities Market listing Committee or Chinese Securities Association Standing Director for public benefit. He also served as the board members of the Taiwan Financial Association or act as a financial consultant for financial policy.

  Currently, he devoted himself into securities market. He served successive as the president for the First Taiwan Securities, the executive vice president of Capital Securities and president of Chung Hsing Securities,which enable him to incorporate finance and management into practical application. These professional experiences has allowed Dr. Shieh to integrate “theory and practical” into his textbook which served as the best reading for the entire reader body in this field.


Dr. Joseph C.P. Shieh

  • Present: Executive Vice president, Mega Financial Holding Co. Ltd, Taiwan‧ Professor, National Chengchi Univ., Department of finance
  • 學歷:Kent State University, Finance, PhD. / University of Missouri-Columbia,MBAWriting Include: Financial Management / Contemporary Investments / Investment Banking : in Greater China / Fixed Income Securities / Futures and Options Markets / Fundamentals of Corporate Finance / Financial Markets / Investment Banking / Handbook of Financial Management / Corporate Strategy and Financial Management



 博客來,博客來網路書店,博客來網路書局,博客來e-coupon 2013,博客來書店,1i6博客來網路書店,博客來網路書店歡迎您,博客來書局,博客來售票網,博客來折價券2013,books 博客來網路書店



 Investment Banking : In Greater China

商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/ml27898/products/0010248224





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